Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Relaxing in San Jose del Cabo

I brought four books with me on this vacation.  Typically, I will read one on the plane as we leave Kansas City, two on vacation and one on the way home.  I was excited about the prospect of relaxing on the beach with pen and pad in hand, writing until my right hand could bear no more, and then reading until I fell asleep.

It hasn't been like that at all.  I took medication for my Restless Leg Syndrome and in almost four hours was able to read three pages - I was too groggy to read more.  My legs didn't jerk uncontrollably, so that was nice, but I really wanted to read that first book.  It was supposed to be the catalyst for my writing on the beach.  Oh, well.

It is now Tuesday, and I've not written anything creative.  I have made some scribbles related to a diet and exercise plan to commence immediately after my return to Kansas!  I knew I was out of shape, but didn't realize just how bad it was until we started walking around the resort.  Up a million steps to the business center, then down a million to our room.  Down another million to the beach and up a million to our room. 

I've not opened a book, except my Bible, since we arrived in Cabo.  I have a brand new notepad begging to be used, and I can't write.  I have never experienced anything like this.

Marlin calls it relaxation (as if he would know!) and keeps telling me not to worry about it.  But I am worried.  If you know me, you know my mind is in a constant state of uproar with ideas for projects I need to finish, ideas for projects I want to start in the near future, and ideas on how to strengthen the plot of my latest book.  If you know me well, have you ever known me to sit still - perfectly still - for more than say twenty minutes?  Twenty minutes, might be a stretch! 

Today, I sat for almost two hours watching the ocean.  Not once did I think, "I've got to write that down before I forget!"  There were no thoughts.  Well, maybe a few thoughts, "The sky sure is a pretty blue.  The water is pretty, too.  Wow!  Look at all the sea gulls." 

See what I mean?  I feel like a female Forest Gump! 

Lest I sound depressed, let me assure you I am not!  As I mentioned previously, the weather is perfect, the view is incredible and the people are friendly and helpful.  I'm just wondering when I get my brain back?

Today I was reminded of this verse, "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Perhaps, that is all I need to get from this vacation - the reminder that God is with me and more importantly my creativity comes from Him.  While it may feel like my brain has disappeared, it has not.  I wonder if I am to enjoy the splendor of God's creation and be content to do nothing more?

And my normal brain activity?  Perhaps, I'll get it back when I return to Kansas.  I understand it is only eight degrees above zero this morning and there are at least five inches of snow.  I'm pretty sure reality will snap me out of this catonic state...

1 comment:

  1. Aaah! Relax and enjoy. He is preparing you for you ministry...even in the midst of the relaxation. Let Him do His work! :)
