Saturday, January 1, 2011

In 2011, I Want More Days Like This One!

A New Year's Resolution is a waste of time for me.  I don't follow through, I never have, never will.  Like everyone else, I start the year with good intentions.  For example: I'd like to be more organized - if I was organized I don't think I'd need to make resolutions.  Life would be perfect!  Wouldn't it?

If I could stop all of the creative ideas swirling around in my head, I could be organized.  I know this to be true.  I also know that I can't put those ideas to rest until I act on them.  Well, most of them.  But I digress - as I often do.

I bought a book.  "The Messies Manual" thinking it would be a great aid in my quest to be more organized.  And if I could find it, it might do the trick.

I admire people who are organized.  People who are ready for company at a moment's notice.  People who know where everything is because they didn't get distracted while putting it away!  (There is a lapse in time here as I forgot that I was making Chex Mix and had to go stir and while I was in the kitchen I saw the chocolate covered pretzel rods and realized I was hungry.. While I was eating the pretzel rod, I saw the 1921 issue of "Home and Garden" my mother gave me and that reminded me that I needed to finish the work I had started on my photo album....

I can be more organized than I currently am, but I will never be organized.  I'm okay with that.  I'm going to do less of the things that stress me out, and more of the things that energize me.  Like writing, and reading, and hugging - my kids, grandkids and horses until they pull away.  And, I'm going to be silly with my husband and do crazy things like we did the day he took my picture covered in mud.

We were riding our Razor (a side-by-side ATV) in the horse pasture when I got the bright idea to have him chase the horses just enough to get them to run.  Marlin agreed and we took off.  The horses didn't cooperate like I had hoped and  ran (not really, they walked and sneered) into a smaller pasture.  As we turned to get lined up with the opening, we discovered the ground in that area was soft.  Really soft. 

We sank.  I had my good tennis shoes on and didn't want to ruin them, so I offered to take my shoes and socks off so I could try pushing the Razor from behind.  I should have realized we were in big trouble when I sank in the mud up to my ankles and my jeans got wet up to my knees!  But I wanted to try pushing.  It didn't work.  As I pushed and Marlin accelerated, the slimy mud flew everywhere with a nice portion of it landing in my hair and on my arm.  I don't know when I've laughed as hard as I did at that moment!  We had to call Tyler to rescue us with his souped-up ATV.  And I should mention that while Tyler pulled Marlin out of the mud, I stood back out of the way.  Far enough to avoid being a distraction, not far enough away to avoid another onslaught of slimy mud.  This time it found my face. 

Moments like that are what I want in 2011. More mud and laughter.  Less stress over things I can't control.  Can you ask for much more?

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