Monday, January 31, 2011

Patience - I Could Use More of That

Applying the green "monster" make-up and teasing the ultra-fine
hair was indeed a lesson in patience.

Last week, while shopping with Allyson and Kayleigh, I observed a father scolding his toddler for not "keeping up."  It was painful to witness.  Each time the child would stumble, the father would jerk the little arm up and forward thereby uprighting the child.  This isn't the first time I've seen a parent do this.

The girls looked at me and one of them asked, "Doesn't he realize his legs are like four times longer than that little girl's?"  At this point, the other girl chimed in, "Yeah.  How would he like it if someone was pulling him along like that making it impossible to keep up but yelling at him anyway?"

I had no answer.  Honestly, the man has probably never thought about the length of his legs in comparison to his child's legs.  And, he has probably never considered that a toddler doesn't have the endurance of an adult.  Of course, he wouldn't like it if he was treated the same way, but I'm sure he hasn't thought about that either.  

Do any of us stop and consider how our impatience effects other people?  I am guiltly of losing my cool when the girls take what seems like forever to get ready.  I am guilty of losing my cool when Marlin gets business calls at supper time and we end up eating without him.  I could go on, but I won't.  You get the point.  And, I'm sure by now, you are thinking of a few things that push your patience to the limit.

As I was thinking about the people and circumstances that make me impatient, I had a thought.  What if God treated us like the father with the toddler?  What if his approach to us was demeaning?  What if he jerked us along forcing us to follow his path?  I don't think I'd follow for very long.  Would you?

Thankfully, our God is a loving Father.  Patience is his middle name - Heavenly (Patient) Father.  When we need to take baby steps in our walk with Him, he takes baby steps.  When we need to stop and rest, to be nurtured and held by him, he stops and waits quietly with us until we are ready to begin the journey again.

Each time we repeat a mistake, our Father is waiting to dust us off and hold our hand as we try to start our faith walk again.  It doesn't matter how long it takes us, it doesn't matter how many times we fall.  He doesn't scold us, instead he gently whispers, "I'm right here.  Come on.  You can do this."

Praise God!  And may I remember his patience when I'm about to lose mine. 


  1. Well said Debbie, and He is patient beyond compare with me. More than once, the lesson has been through my own children---and gratefully, He hasn't given up on me either. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Amen! I've been having a test of patience today with the seventh snow-day of the month. Thank you for the VERY timely reminder! :)

  3. Thanks Debbie. I had never thought about patience in this way. I am so very thankful the our Heavenly Father is so patient with us all. Thanks for the reminder!
