Friday, December 17, 2010

Bluebird Ministries - What's In a Name? Day Two

I did not sleep Monday night.  Literally.  I had no idea what humiliating experience was awaiting me, but I wasn't going to miss out on the last two days of the seminar.  I have never been nervous about speaking in front of people, but Monday's lack of direction was unnerving!

Tuesday's group assignment was to select a full page magazine advertisement and create a three minute presentation - same assignment as the day before, but with some direction.  I had tried to think of topics during the night and I had a few ideas.  I wasn't prepared by any means, but I wasn't as flustered as the day before.  It would have been so much easier if the facilitator, Tama, had selected an ad for each of us, as it was, I kept second-guessing myself.  I had selected a real estate ad for luxury apartments.  Should I have selected the ad with a field of flowers?  Should I have selected the ad with the happy family?

When the five minutes began, I was able to focus.  I had written down my main points and support for each in short order! Scripture came to mind!  This wasn't going to be as bad as Monday!

I still didn't have time to go through the talk in my head and I worried that I wouldn't be finished before Tama held up her red sign signifying my presentation was over.  No finishing the last point.  The red flag meant "finish your sentence, you're done."

I had dressed in professional attire, I made eye contact and I was able to follow my outline!  The group critique was favorable and I realized I was having a good time!

Before we left on Tuesday, we were given our assignment for Wednesday.  We were to select a scripture (we had a list to choose from) and prepare as if we were leading a women's Bible study.  I made my selection:

"Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect..." I Peter 3: 15

I slept fitfully, I had not been able to memorize my presentation.  The next morning, in the truck, I timed myself. SEVEN minutes!  I made mental notes on what to delete and began again.  Still too long!  When I reached the church, I knew the presentation was still too long.  And none of it was memorized! 

We assembled in our classroom.  Our instructions were clear, write a critique that would be helpful but be critical of the speaker's presentation - physical and oral.  While our group members were working on our written critique, we would meet in the hallway with Tama for a private critique.  I was prepared - to write critiques.  I was not prepared to speak!

I did not volunteer to go first.  I listened intently to the first presentation and did my best to provide constructive comments on the critique, but I did notice the woman was using her notes.  I knew Tama would mention the use of notes in her private critique, so I didn't mention it in mine. 

The second woman used her notes.  Now, I was confused.  I began to wonder if Tama had actually said the presentation had to be memorized.  The group answer was a resounding, "NO!"  Great.  After the next presentation, I ran to the truck - in high heels - and made it back before Tama had finished the critique in the hallway!

It was my turn.  As soon as I quit panting, I began.  I really can't remember if I used my notes or not.  What I do remember is going into the hallway with Tama.

"Debra, do you have girls?"

"Yes, 14 year-old twins."

"You should let them dress you."

I didn't know how to respond,  I had selected what I considered to be an appropriate outfit.  I had received compliments on it earlier in the day.  This was going to be harsh!

"I heard you say that you would like to young girls, young women and their mothers.  They won't relate to you dressed like that."

Okay.  I could accept that.  I 'd rather be in jeans and dress boots anyway.  I steeled myself waiting for the next comment.  I waited.  She didn't say anything.

"It's okay.  I want the tough critique, " I said uncertainly.

"That was it.  You did a great job relating to your audience, and showing them how the scripture applies to their lives.  I don't know why you aren't out there telling your story now.  Get your platform organized and start speaking!"

And so, after some quiet time and much prayer, I chose Bluebird Ministries as my ministry name. And in my next blog, I will explain the significance of bluebirds.

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