Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day: To Love and Be Loved

We love to love, we live to love;
It is the heart's food and nourishment,
and the soul's highest happiness and bliss;
some other being must be blended with our own,
else our existence is objectless,
our nature's unavailing;
no human power or ingenuity can invent or suggest
any lasting means of satisfaction without this elixir of life, 
which sweetens, sustains and perpetuates it.

The bosom which does not feel it is cold,
the mind which does not conceive it is dull
the philosophy which rejects it is false;
and the only true religion in the world has pure, 
reciprocal, and undying love for its basis.
                                                - Acton

When All is Sun Within published in 1913

I have never been a big fan of Valentine's Day, at least not as advertisers would have us celebrate it.  I am uncomfortable with the idea of setting aside one day of the year to lavish cards, gifts, flowers and candy on your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend.  Sure, I like all of those things, but my problem is with the idea that you can make up for all of your short-comings one day a year.  That romance can be pushed aside, and then you can redeem yourself with extravagant gestures on this day.

As I understand it, St. Valentine was a Catholic priest who defied the Roman government and secretly married the young couples who came to him.  The emperor of Rome had decided that unmarried men made better soldiers, and so he outlawed marriage!  St. Valentine would not defy God's law for the sake of the emperor.  St. Valentine, a martyr, represents defiance for the sake of love.
The author of the poem above, understands the power and purpose of love.  The same God who created us, breathed into us a desire for love.  A desire to love and be loved. God didn't create us with the intention of having us live self-contained lives 364 days a year.  We are to show love every day, including February 14th,.

My husband has given me some memorable Valentine's day gifts, but the most romantic gifts have had nothing to do with this holiday.  When he stops his tractor and picks a wild rose for me, that is romantic. Knowing that he is thinking of me while he works makes me feel loved.  I don't need expensive gifts, I want something that is truly precious - his time.

Today will be spent with my children and grandchildren.  Nothing extravagant will be happening.  We will be expressing our love for each, just as we do every time we are together.

I hope on this Valentine's day you find a way to share yourself with those you love.

Blessings to you and yours,

1 comment:

  1. Our Valentine's day tradition is to make sugar cookies and let the kids decorate. I love spending time with them!
